Timer Trigger

What is "Timer Trigger" ?

The job will be executed accordingly to customer's specified time. The time and cycle (one time, weekly, or monthly) need to be specified.

Setting options

Trigger settings

Item Explanation
Time zone Setting time zone for job execution.
One time Select when you want to execute the job only once. Enter execution date.
Weekly Selec when you want to execute the job weekly on a designated day.
Monthly Select when you want to execute the job monthly on a fixed date. When the month does not have designated date, the job will be skipped.

Set the hour and minute to execute the job

Effective date period and Exceptional conditions

Item Explanation
Effective date period Specify the term of validity
Exception (Japanese national holiday) Select the check-box when you want to skip the job, if desingated day/date is on a Japanese national holidays.
Exception condition (Dates to skip)

Set dates you do not want the job to run.

Format: YYYY-MM-DD (e.g. 2021-05-01)

How to use "Timer Trigger"

  1. Click "Make job" from "JobAutomation" in the side menu
  2. Select "Group"
  3. Select "Timer Trigger"
  4. Specify Trigger condition.
    Following example is showing, the setting of the Job to be executed weekly at 4:10pm on Monday through Friday.
  5. If "Weekly" or "Monthly" has chosen, you can specify the effective date period and exceptional conditions.
    Following example is showing, the Job will enable after May 1, 2021 but Japanese holidays and specified skip dates (May 6 and May 7) are not. timer_trigger05-v14-en.png
  6. Rest of the setting needs to be configured based on the job you want to operate.

Operation check

  1. Click the log button for the job, after the time specified by the Timer Trigger
  2. Click the Job name of the exution log from the execution log list.
  3. Confirm the result from the log detail. If it shows "Success", then the designated job had been executed successfully. If it shows "Running", then the job is currently executing so please check after a while.
  4. Now the operation of the Timer Trigger is confirmed.
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