Now, Cloud Automator is ready to automate EC2 instance back-up opearation by going through previous procedures.
In this step, we will show you how to register Jobs at Cloud Automator
Create a job ("Auto jobs") in Cloud Automator
Here, we obtain Amazon Machine Image (hereinafter refeered to as "AMI") for back-up at 4:10am daily from the EC2 instance which was tagged in the previous section.
Cloud Automator's "Auto jobs" combines Trigger and Action to create a job. In this Getting Started Guide, we use "Timer Trigger" and "EC2: Create AMI" Action.
Post-process creation
Cloud Automato has a mechanism to send an e-mail as post-processing after a Auto Job is executed. Setup post-process to notify by email when a Auto job fails.
- Click "Add post process" from "Post Processes" setting at the left side menue in the console screen.
- Enter "Name" (any name) and select "Group", "Service". Also, enter "E-mail" address for notification and click "Create".
- Confirm that the Post-Processing has been added.
Create a job (Auto job)
- Click "Make Job" from "Auto Jobs" at the left side menu in the console screen.
- Select "Group".
- Select "Timer Trigger" and proceed to next step.
- Select "Weekly" and check all week days by clicking "Check all" button and set "Execution time" to 4:10 and proceed to next step.
- Select "Not specify term of validity".
- Select "EC2:AMI Creation" action.
- Select Registered AWS Account.
- Configure the parameters as follows (Please see here for details of each parameater)
Item Value Region US West(N. California) Instance Check Image name production-backup Description %Y%m%d%H%M Generation for create resouce 5 Reboot instance No Additinal tag for created resouce key environment Additinal tag for created resouce value production Add same tag to image snapshot Check Watch resource exit status Check Re-create AMI when AMI creation has been failed Check
- Select registered Post-process for failure case and click "Add"
- Enter Job name (any name) and click "Create"
- Confirm the created job is listed in the "Auto jobs list"
This concludes Job registration to Cloud Automator. Let's check the "Auto Job" execution operation after configured Timer Trigger schedule has passed.