Account Setting

In account settings, you can set up your own information. You can access to the account settings from the "Account Settings" in the login user menu.

How to manage account

  1. Click Account Settings in the Login User menumanage-account-en01.png
  2. You can view and edit the following items in the Basic information tab.
    No Item Description 
    1 E-mail Change the email address used to sign in
    2 User type   Display the user type
    3 API Access Display user's permission to use Cloud Automator API
    4 Profile image Change user's profile picture
    5 Department Change the department which the user belongs
    6 Title Change the title of the user
    7 Full Name Change user's name
    8 Languages Change the language used by the user
    9 Time zone Change the time zone for existing user
  3. You can edit the following items in the account management tab
    No Item Description 
    1 Password Change the password used to sign in
    2 Two Factor Authentication Set up two-factor authentication at Sign-in
    3 API key Create a key to use for API access
  4. You can list the groups to which you belong in the associated group list tabmanage-account-en04.png


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